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Art and Identity

I created this art piece as a reflection on the Holocaust and the way that it impacted Jewish people.  The Holocaust took place in Europe in the years 1941-1945. Central to my identity is my Jewish heritage.  I am aware that due to my heritage my focus in this piece is biasly focused on the suffering of the Jewish people, rather than other marginalized groups.  

Both my grandfathers suffered through the Holocaust.  I was born in Israel, where the Holocaust is a very known and understood historical event on which students are educated yearly.  After moving to Oregon I was shocked to find out that some of my classmates did not know what the Holocaust was, or what it entailed.  One of the central things I was taught throughout my Holocaust education in Israel was to “Never Forget” the horrors Jewish people and other marginalized communities went through in hopes of ensuring that history does not repeat itself.  The realization that the Holocaust was being forgotten frightened me.  Educating my peers and community about the subject has become central to who I am and my values.  I directed the play “The Diary of Anne Frank” at my high school, spoke at the Oregon Capital about the importance of Holocaust and Genocide education and created the artpiece as a continuum to my efforts.  Through this piece, I wanted to bring about feelings of horror, discomfort and loneliness.  I also strived to highlight the important message of “Never Forget.” 

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