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SCUBA Diving Photo Essay


Danica Sheppard teaches a beginners’ SCUBA class in the REC pool on Jan. 24, 2023. Students are certified to dive at up to 30 ft of depth by successfully completing the course.


Sheppard prepares for class by attaching the regulator to her tank. The gas in the tank, composed of oxygen, nitrogen and helium, allows her to breathe underwater.


Sheppard became a SCUBA instructor in May 2017. She hopes the course will inspire students to dive with friends.


Sheppard uses a giant-stride method to enter the water. The regulator and maks are held in place to ensure they do not fall upon entry.


Sheppard practices an out-of-air situation with student Anthony Jimenez. Practice helped her stay calm the first time she ran out of air. “I let my training kick in,” she said.

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